Community Engagement
You deserve honest and transparent representation.
My experience in community organizing taught me the importance of engaging the community and speaking with stakeholders when crafting policy. We can improve trust and participation in our city government by not just focusing on the loudest voices, but by seeking out the opinions of all our community members. That means making affirmative efforts to reach our neighbors where they are. My community organizing training has equipped me with the skills to build coalitions and communicate effectively to enact policies that will benefit all of Lakewood. I'll go the extra mile and provide accessible, prompt service to solve problems and voice your concerns at City Hall.
Smart Development
Lakewood is growing. Lakewood’s investments in the community have created a high demand for housing, which is reflected by the 67% rise in property values since 2013. This has attracted developers looking to build upon that growth. Our challenge is how we manage that growth. I'll work to preserve our city's character by engaging you in development decisions.
Safety starts with attention to detail. Your safety in Lakewood is a priority. As an Assistant Prosecutor, I work hand-in-hand with law enforcement agencies and understand the safety concerns that communities like ours face. Safety starts with attention to detail, and I will use my experience to ensure that City Hall is properly addressing your concerns, like improving lighting, marking crosswalks, and curbing speeders.
It is important that our leaders have a strong working relationship with our safety forces. I am the only candidate in this race that earned the endorsement of the Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 25. FOP Lodge 25 represents Lakewood and the Westshore area's law enforcement officers. This endorsement reflects my commitment to public safety and to supporting those that serve our city.
Affordable Living
Everyone should be able to call Lakewood home.
The increased demand to live here has numerous positive effects, like increased funding for our schools and a rise in homeowners’ equity. However, 56% of Lakewood residents are renters. Those on fixed income or whose wages have not kept pace with rising rents or property taxes are experiencing the adverse effects of Lakewood’s growth. I will ensure that City Council is making smart investments in the community that benefit you. Regardless of age or income, you deserve quality, responsive services at a fair and reasonable cost. We need new, innovative policies to continue to maintain Lakewood's affordability, which is why I will propose the addition of Accessory Dwelling Units into Lakewood’s Planning and Zoning Code.